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YouTube has changed subscribers' view of channels

YouTube has changed subscribers' view of channels

YouTube has changed subscribers' view of channels

YouTube has announced the introduction of a new method of viewing the number of subscribers channels that will particularly affect the large channels so as not to display the exact number in the real time of subscribers, but only close to the nearest full number.

For example, if a channel has 51,389,232 subscribers, it will appear in the number on the screen as 51M million subscribers only, and for those who have between A and even hundreds of thousands, the number will be rounded with K to indicate A, and we reiterate that this is a view The number is not the actual number and it does not change moment by moment.

The effect will include all sites that provide statistics services on YouTube channels, and will also show the results as shown on YouTube itself, which is close to a full number without the detailed number and will not be updated in real time.

YouTube has begun to apply this amendment gradually today, but with August next will be widely applied and includes all channels that have a thousand subscribers and more, while channels that have less than one thousand subscribers, it will show the exact number, ie 973 subscribers.

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